- Phone: (615)-862-7294 | Email: SharonRuiz@jis.nashville.org

"I defend Nashville because I really like people, and I love helping them. I believe everyone deserves to live in dignity, and I believe we all have a responsibility to make it happen."
Meet the DefendersSharon Ruiz is one of the office’s Spanish speaking lawyers. She grew up in the Southwest, and was the first person in her family to graduate from college. She received her BA from Carleton College in 1996. Prior to attending law school, she worked as a community organizer in Montana, taught English in Damascus, Syria, and lobbied for legal services funding in Seattle, Washington. She graduated from Stanford Law School in 2002, started working at the Nashville Public Defender’s Office and never looked back. There has never been a day when she hasn’t absolutely loved her job.
When not representing clients, Sharon serves on the board of a food justice organization, organizes the after school running club at her son’s elementary school, and helps her spouse wrangle their two children, two cats, one dog and three chickens. She loves running and Kung Fu movies.