We hope you find this page helpful. Please use your phone or computer’s language assist tools to understand better how our office can help you with your case and share resources.
Welcome Slide
Welcome to the Nashville Defenders
Martesha Johnson Moore, Chief Public Defender
Picture of Chief Moore shown.
What is a Public Defender?
All Languages Welcome
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Public Defenders are licensed criminal defense lawyers who specialize in representing people who cannot afford to hire private lawyers.
The following is an informational slideshow to help you understand next steps.
What to Expect
Financial Qualification
Please keep your case details private until you can talk with a lawyer.
If you do not qualify, we will advise on the next steps.
Next Steps
Once qualified, your case will be assigned a lawyer.
You have an option to speak with an intake attorney. A legal assistant may also contact you.
If you do not speak with a lawyer today, be assured you will be contacted before your court date.
If you do not qualify, we will advise on the next steps.
Please Provide
- phone numbers
- tell us if you text
- what time you are free for phone calls
If you posted bond, be sure your bondsman has your contact info. You are always welcome to call us or leave us a message.
Four Ways to Start to Get Your Driver’s License Back
- Talk to someone in our office
- online through the Department of Safety
- Visit the Criminal Court Clerk’s Office
- Hickory Hollow DMV Appointment
If you Parked in the Commerce Garage…
Using your phone, don’t forget to scan the Metropolis QR code for your parking discount.
Protect Yourself From Court & Jail Scams WHEN IN DOUBT, CALL AND VERIFY
Our services are free of charge. No one from our office will ask you for money. Any money requests for freedom are likely a scam.
We Fight for YOU.
Staff Photo
Office Holiday Closures
The office will be closed on Monday, January 20th, in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.